Navigating the Return to work…

It’s never an easy time of the year, stepping back into the office or for most opening the laptop again at home. No matter where you work the cold, dark mornings are always a real struggle. It’s the time of year, when we start to get back into a routine and plan when we will start our new year’s resolution, but where to start.


  1. Your health

    Before facing anything else, you need to focus on yourself. The holiday period tends to consist of a lot of tempting food, getting back to eating well and having a balanced diet is always. Your brain and body need the right fuel to work, especially after some time off.

  2. The Inbox

    Put aside some time to go over all the unread mail in your inbox, organising this will make you feel less pressured and able to focus on other things that need your attention. It may seem obvious but it’s a job that needs and deserves your time and attention.

  3. Short term goals

    Have long term goals are always great, but sometimes it’s the little wins that get you ahead. Setting some daily objectives to reach will help you get through the harder days and then you can feel in a better place to attack those long-term goals

  4. Work colleagues

    One of the most important things is that you are happy in your work. Taking time out to socialise and realise a job isn’t just working for 8 hours a day and then going home is very important. Set time aside to talk to a colleague, if you work for yourself talk to friends or family and see how they are finding getting back to work.


  5. Break time

    You don’t want to burn out on the first day back! Find out what work can wait and what are your important and urgent projects (make sure they are actually urgent). If it can wait, let it wait. It’s important to look after yourself.

Returning to work

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